Load the Wagon!!!

lo christmas

I would like to start this off by letting you in on who I am, where I have come from, and where I see myself going.

I consider myself to a low-key person.  I do not consider myself to be materialistic, but there are times when I see items I think I would enjoy.  I usually do not spend a lot of money on myself and usually opt not to buy things when I am given the opportunity.  I am not one of those “I must have this” people and would rather put my efforts into acquiring things for my family and friends.  I am married (3 years) to Jennie, and by March 2013, I will be the father of two boys, Logan (2 in February) and Bently (due March 31st).  I consider myself hardworking, determined, and consistent.  I am a leader.  I want to be the one out in front leading the group, but at the same time I do not want to be the arrogant person that no one likes.  I try to remain humble in all that I do.  I have always heard that pride comes before downfall.  I feel that when someone boasts, it will ultimately lead to their downfall.

I work for a local grocery store where I am an Assistant Store Manager.  I am currently in a year-long training program that will enable me to pursue the next step in my career.  I am in line to take several classes in the near future that will enhance my professional side.  My goals for future are to become a part of upper management (even if it does not mean with the company I currently work for), learn at least one foreign language and be able to speak it fluently, and pursue a Master’s in Business Administration.  I feel that we should always be learning in some shape, form, or fashion.  We should never limit ourselves to what is in front of us.  As a person, we should always be wanting more.  Settling is never an option.  A man once told me, “Power is taken, not given.”  If you want to be more than what you are today, then go after it.  Search it out diligently and know that things do not happen over night.  You will learn that there are dues to be paid.  Your journey will require patients, toughness, and trials.  The world will never hand you something, if it does, be cautious.  Sometimes things are too good to be true.  I try to live by a personal motto:  Always have a goal in mind of where you want to be next.  You should always be working toward a goal.  You must realize that at the end of the day, you are the ONE that it all depends on.  A man I worked with once told me, “Don’t worry about the Horse, just Load the Wagon!!”  That means more to me today than it did when he first said it.  The horse in fact is you.  You are the one that will carry the load.  The wagon is what you bring with you to the table.  We all know we can always count on ourselves, but what does our wagon hold?  Is it full of skill, knowledge, or wisdom?  Does it hold determination, diligence, or purpose?  Time will only tell.

I come from a structured background that consists of a strong family and religious background.  I feel that God has a place for all of us.  He has ordained our place, and He will lead us to that destination if we left Him  We must not allow our own wants get in the way of what HE has in store for us.  Sometimes I have wondered why I am where I am.  It is because He is allowing things to come full circle so I can reach the destination He wants for me.  I consider my family a huge part in my life.  I consider my children to be the greatest legacy that I will leave behind once I am gone.  I hope to instill all the knowledge and wisdom that I have obtained over my years into my children.  I hope to build a solid foundation that they can build on to go farther than I can ever dream of.

I leave you with these words.  This life will only be what we can make of it.  You only get what you put into it.

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